Happy new year everybody! January usually drags, but for me it’s flying by this year, I can’t believe it’s the 24th already! I hope you all had an amazing time over the holiday season and have had a great start to the new year too. I wanted to spend this month slowly getting back into a routine with everything in my life and so far I feel like I’m succeeding. It can be so hard keeping all the plates spinning all of the time but for now I’m doing ok 😀

Of course one of the things that I slowly want to reintroduce back into my life and routine is posting here to the blog. I know I’ve said it over and over but this time “its for reals ye” 😆 It’s just become my habit to share everything as it’s happening over on Instagram or Tik Tok and then the projects I haven’t shared on here just start to pile up. If you don’t follow me on these platforms then you can find me on both by searching Lianne Hempsall Home or click the previously highlighted links.
So this moves us onto my plans and goals for the year quite nicely doesn’t it! Blogging more isn’t my only goal for the year. There are a few things that I want to work on and possibly share the progress with you on here so let’s get to it.
Heath and Fitness Goals for the new year
I’ve been working, predominantly with Tayla but also with Liv, from Coached to Confidence for around 17 weeks now. Both Tayla and Liv are online coaches that will put together a plan completely tailored to you. I am working with them through an Instagram collaboration which means any progress updates you see over there are marked as an AD but of course the program will only work and I can only share the progress I’m making if I put in the work.
My weight is something that I’ve struggled with my entire adult life, which has also caused body confidence issues over the years. Afters constant yo-yo dieting I stopped completely around 2 years ago. I stopped beating myself up about how I looked, invested in clothes that fit me well and that I looked and felt good in and just spent a good year or so leaning to love who I was, as I was. This was probably the best thing I’ve done for my mental health and confidence in years. I still have body hang ups but I don’t get dressed and hate my appearance every day like I did for so long. However once I got to that head space where I wasn’t hating myself I also decided that working on my fitness was something I really wanted to do. But I don’t want the focus to be on how I’m looking as falling back into those habits is something I never want for myself. So when Liv approached me to work together I said yes!
My personal coach is Tayla and she is absolutely lovely. She is there whenever I need her. I can message her if I’m struggling and our weekly check ins keep me accountable. I have a food and exercise plan that’s easy to follow with an app to input everything into. If an online coach is something that you have thought about investing in then I can’t recommend these two lovely women enough. You can find them on Instagram if you would like to start a conversation with them! So my health and fitness goals are essentially to keep working with Tayla. I am currently having a break from weighing myself on the scales as I was slowly letting the fluctuations get to me and affect my progress but I have lost at least 16lb so far. My goal is to loose weight, but I want to do that by focusing on how the food and exercise is making me feel rather than on the numbers.

Money Saving Goals for the new year
We need to save more! We waste far too much money on impulse purchases and on not being more organised with our food budget. For the new year we are attempting to make it as low spend as we possibly can. I’ve been keeping track of what we are spending in my budget planner from Pretty Perfect products and I plan on cash stuffing as a way to save for things we want to buy. I also got my cash stuffing binder from Pretty Perfect products but you can find cheaper options on Amazon like this one or this one. There are some specific reasons why we want to budget and save. We have some credit card debt, nothing huge or unmanageable but I would like for it to be gone by the end of the year. We also want to go to London for our family holiday this year. Mason and Noa have never been and I would love them to see more of the country we live in and our landmarks.

House goals for the new year
One day I hope to write “buy a house” underneath my house goals but financially that still isn’t an option for us so for now we will continue to make this rented house our home! The first projects of the year will be to get started in Noa’s bedroom and to continue with Mason’s. I haven’t shared any progress of either of them here on the blog but there has been some. You can find Mason’s bedroom progress on Instagram and if you want to see what their bedrooms looked like not long after we moved in you can find them in my upstairs house tour. Finishing the garden is also on my 2025 house goals list. We have done so much work on it the last two years and I’m part way through getting it shared to the blog. You can read about our first year of progress in my garden update post.
Things to continue in 2025
2024 was a good year for us and there are lots of things that we did that I want to continue to do into the new year. As a family we prioritised family days out and visiting other family much more. It helps of course that there is a little more budget for such things now but hopefully working on our money saving goals will mean we can experience even more days out this year.
I will yet again be working with The Clean and Tidy Home Show! I have a new role this year in the Welcome collective. The show has been so instrumental to my growth as a person and as a content creator the last few years and I will always support the show in any way that I can! You can read about my love for the show in this post.
Smaller things include taking the time for self care, such as doing my nails and keeping up with my skincare routine. Spending more time with my friends and trying new things and experiences too. I also bloody love to read! I fell out of the habit of reading for a really long while but after picking up a copy of A Court of Thorns and Roses (if you know you know) from The Works back in July my love for all things books and reading has reignited and I have the longest “to be read” list which I fully intend to get stuck into this year! If anyone else fell into the romantasy genre and never wants to get back out, please message me with your recommendations!

Well I think that’s about it for all of the main things! There’s nothing groundbreaking here I’m afraid 😂 I’m just focused on making the life I already have the best it can possibly be. I would love to hear more about your own goals and if there is anything exciting that you’re working towards this year. Pop them in the comments or just message me over on my social media, I love to have a chat ☺️.
Thank you for taking the time to read this post today. I have a list of future blog post ideas that include catching you up on all the house stuff that’s been done but also getting back into some craft projects and maybe a recipe or two as well so I’ll see you again soon!
Lianne x
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