There are so many Christmas traditions that you can take part in, as a family, for the kids or as adults too. We do a few things such as Christmas eve boxes, matching Christmas Pyjamas and elf on the shelf. If you are looking for some Christmas ideas I have plenty of inspo here. But I think one of the most taken part in traditions for the children is sitting down and writing a letter to Santa! As a parent it’s a very handy tradition that lets us know exactly what our children are wishing for and hope to receive under the tree but for children it just makes Christmas more magical. You as parents can make it even more magical by making sure that they get a reply from Santa too! I was gifted a letter from Santa so that I was able to share this Lapland Mailroom review with you all.
This letter was gifted to me by Lapland Mailroom in order to provide you with this honest review.

When you first go onto the website there are a few options for different letter layouts and you can pick the one that is most suitable for you and your kids. This is especially great if you have more than one child so that they are all worded differently. They even have one for a baby’s first Christmas which I think first time parents especially will love. It’s all very easy to fill in and there are lots of sections for you to personalise so it feels like a real letter just for your child not just a generic letter that could be for anyone.

You can also choose whether your letter comes from Father Christmas or Santa Claus. I think Father Christmas sounds much more traditional but Mason has always said Santa so that’s what we went for. Other fields you can personalise are age and location, what you left out for Santa the previous year, the specific toys your child has asked for and my favourite was that you could add in a best friends name. The day after Mason received his letter, he went straight to his best friend (who was named in the letter) at school time and asked him if he had had his letter back from Santa. He then told his friend that Santa had put him on the same list (the nice list) and Mason’s friend cheered and was excited too! It’s the little details like this that really make this letter stand out. Because the kiddos will be so amazed that Santa knows who their best friend is even though they haven’t told him themselves!

There is also a PS section that you can completely personalise to say whatever you want. As Noa is still young I didn’t get her letter of her own so I was able to add her into this postscript saying thank you to Mason for mentioning what his little sister wanted and that he was a good brother. You could also use this spot to remind your child what they need to be doing to stay on the nice list!!

A personalised letter is £8.95 which comes with a personalised certificate telling your child that they are on the nice list. You can also add in an activity pack for an extra pound which has a sticker, a christmas card that the child can colour in and gift and a booklet that has colouring, games and even a recipe. What’s even better is that I have a discount code for you that will get you 25% off! Just enter the word ‘VIXEN’ at the checkout.

I was very happy with my letter and the service from Lapland Mailroom. Mason is almost 8 now so this could well be the last Christmas that he believes so anything that makes the magic last longer is so worth it in my opinion. I most definitely recommend that you head over to their website and get a letter for your own little ones! Keep that Christmas magic alive!
Lianne x