Hello everybody. Today I want to share some information about the Teddy Eva Scents Wax Melt Subscription Box. I was sent this box for free in order to review it but as you know I take my wax melts very seriously and would never recommend anything unless I think it is worth your hard earned cash!
So let’s start with a little run down of how Teddy Eva Scents wax melt subscription box works and then I will go into more detail on the box that I received.

Each subscription box contains 4 x 85g Teddy Clamshell wax melts in a themed box with added extras and free postage. Each month has a different theme with the scents and added extras tying into this theme. The current theme available on the website as I’m sharing this post is a Valentine’s Date Night box but as it is now the 15th of February I’m sure the next one will be launching soon. The added extras in the boxes are usually edible and who doesn’t love a tasty treat! They do also cater for vegans so if you are a vegan, just let them know when you set up your subscription and all your tasty added extras will be vegan friendly. The subscription is priced at £17.99 per box which I think is a very good price for 4 full sized clam shells anyway. The clam shells usually retail at £4.99 each so you are getting a £1.97 discount before you even factor in the added extras or free postage! Your subscription can be canceled at any time and you can also skip a month if you want to which I think is always important for any kind of subscription box.

I received the Fresh Start subscription box which was their first one of the year. It contained 1x Bliss Unstoppable 85g Teddy Clamshell, 1x Fresh Unstoppable 85g Teddy Clamshell, 1x Honeysuckle and Sandalwood 85g Teddy Clamshell, 1x Pomegranate and Cherry Blossom 85g Teddy Clamshell, A bag of fruit pastilles, a Milky Bar Cookies and Cream chocolate bar and some sherbet carrots (I haven’t eaten sherbet for years so I really enjoyed these, I felt like a kid again!). The fresh start theme was based around it being the new year and all of your favourite fresh scents. So we have 4 beautifully smelling laundry/cleaning dupe scents. I didn’t know what the theme of the box was going to be before I received it but it couldn’t have been a better fit for me! The fresh scents are my favourite and the Honeysuckle and Sandalwood is one of my favourite scents ever!

I of course tried out the Honeysuckle and Sandalwood first and the scent throw was brilliant, I could smell it throughout the downstairs of the house and I could also still smell the scent in my living room where I had burnt it the next day. If you are looking for a wax melt subscription I would definitely recommend Teddy Eva Scents as the wax melt quality is very good, the price point is so reasonable and I love the concept of the themed boxes. I think it would be a fantastic way to try different scents and find some new favourites as I know when picking out melts for myself I always stick to the same kind of thing but with this subscription service you’re going to be getting something new and different every time.

Another thing that I did find on their website that I absolutely love is their free wax melt offer. With each order you can add a weird wax melt to your basket absolutely free. The current scent available is Iron Brue and I don’t know about you but I’m incredibly curious to find out how that smells!

If you want to find out more you can head over to the Teddy Eva Scents website or you can follow them over on Instagram. The account is @teddyevascents. Thank you so much for reading this review. I love to share small businesses and new brands that you might not have heard of. Let me know if you give them a try, you can contact me on here through the comments section below or you can find me across social media. I’m @LianneHempsallHome on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and TikTok. Have a great day and I’ll be back with a new post soon!
Lianne x
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