Hello Everyone! You might know from my Sustainable Swaps post that we have been trying to cut down on our plastic consumption and using less chemicals in our cleaning and beauty regimes. One of the ways we have been doing this is to make some of our own cleaning products and one of these is my Homemade Furniture Polish.

This is so super easy to make and I think it smells so much better than any bought version. Once you have initially purchased a spray bottle it works out to be a lot cheaper too.
All you need is a 250ml glass spray bottle (Essential oils can break down plastic bottles), vinegar, olive oil and essential oils of your choice. I went for Sweet Orange because I love the smell!!
A funnel is the easiest way to pour the ingredients into the bottle but if you haven’t got one (I haven’t) You can measure the vinegar and oil into a jug first and then pour it into the bottle. Here are the amounts you need.
- 1/4 cup (4 tbsp) Olive Oil
- 1/4 cup (4 tbsp) Vinegar
- 20 – 30 drops of your chosen essential oil
- water to top up the bottle (I just use tap water)
To make it up I measure out my vinegar and olive oil into a jug and then carefully pour both into my bottle. I then add 20 – 30 drops of my essential oil directly to the bottle and finally you need to top the bottle up (I leave 1-2 cm gap at the top so there is space in the bottle to shake the polish well) with water from the tap. You can use distilled water so that it lasts longer but I don’t think it’s necessary when you’re making up this small amount.

The polish will be separated in the bottle like the image above so you need to shake the bottle before each spray to combine the ingredients. Once shaken it will look like the image below.

The olive oil in this helps to collect and lift the dust, it also feeds and protects if you are using it to polish wooden funiture. The vinegar is disinfecting and the essential oils are to make it smell good, you want to cover up that vinegar smell!
Watch the Video
Let me know if you give this homemade furniture polish a go or if you have any other homemade cleaning products that you use.
Lianne x
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Wow i am gonna try this furniture polish thanks for sharing.
WO, This is amazing product. I love this post. Thanks to share.