I mentioned in my last post ‘Neutral Glam Christmas Finds 2021’ that I wanted to change up my Christmas décor a little this year. To be completely honest I’ve not shared a great amount of Christmas content for the past couple of years. I felt overwhelmed and too busy to add more to my plate which is why this year I’m getting my Christmas ideas for my home (and therefore my Christmas content) organised early so that I feel on top of everything……. Or at least that is the plan 😀 I’ve spent a little of everyday since November first looking around for décor ideas, making lists and picking up the things that I need and I’m going to share what I’ve come up with so far. These are My Christmas Decorating Plans for 2021.

In previous years (most of the photos I have are from Seaways, our previous home) I have had a few different colour schemes. I’ve had very traditional red, gold and green. I’ve also had Pink, blue and silver.

Last year I decorated the kids room for the first time and went for greens, and oranges with a woodland vibe.

And then I have pretty much stuck to my two main colour schemes for a good three/four years now. Gold and teal for my main tree and red and white for the kitchen.

My décor and style has changed over the past two years. I have toned down the glam gold (although I will never not love a gold accessory!) by adding some more neutral tones and switching some of the gold accents to black ones. I have christened my own particular style Neutral Glam and I want to continue this into my Christmas decorating. So I will be keeping a little of the gold and teal but adding in more neutrals and maybe some touches of black. Plus lots of natural (or faux) greenery. Here are some inspo pictures that I’ve found.

I love the greenery and the gold in this table scape from Lauren McBride Blog If I were to add a little black and a touch of teal it would be exactly what I’m thinking for my dining room.

I really miss having a mantle to style at Christmas. I love the knitted stockings that The Lily Pad Cottage has hung with this beautiful garland and although I cant hang a garland I was thinking I might be able to add some stockings to our electric fire using command hooks. I’ve found the ones below on Amazon (affiliate link).

This tree from Jenna Sue Design is the best example of what I would like to recreate that I could find. She has used lots of gold but with the touches of black in the ribbon and the neutral tones in the wooden bead garland. My own tree will also have some teal baubles because it’s just my favourite colour and I can’t not include it!

I also just want to recreate everything that The Kwendy Home does! I’m going to recreate these beautiful shelves on my own kitchen shelves. Wendy also used a lot of paper snowflakes in her décor last year and I want to add some of these to my kitchen and both bookcases in the dining room and living room. You can buy them but I am going to attempt to DIY as it will be much cheaper.
So what do you guys think? Have you enjoyed my Christmas decorating plans? Can you see my vision? I have high hopes for my décor this year so fingers crossed it all works out!! I also hope to share a reel on Instagram each day of December on the run up to Christmas. I’m calling it Reelmas ( you know, like Blogmas or Vlogmas). I’ll be sharing all sorts of Christmassy things such as crafts, décor, Christmas prep and food. Make sure you are following me at Lianne Hempsall Home to see what I come up with.
Lianne x
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