Hi guys! So it actually just over a year since I shared our living room plans to the blog. And if you go back and have a read you will see that we’ve actually completed the majority of the changes I wanted to make. In that time though my tastes have changed a little. I still love our teal and gold living room but I’m leaning towards a more neutral pallete. The other rooms I’ve worked on like the kitchen and the dining room all use the colours grey, white and black with natural tones, pops of green/teal and gold accents.

In the picture above you can see some of the completed changes. The curtain rail painted in gold (I used Wilko gold spray paint but it’s not the best I’ve ever worked with. I would recommend Rustoleum brilliant metallic gold) and the wingback chair. In the end we didn’t reupholster the chair. We bought a cover for it instead and to be honest I have a mixed review. When it’s all straightened up it looks great but when you sit on the chair the cover moves around easily and there is a lot of excess fabric at the back so it only works if you have your chair in a corner. You can also see the bookcases in the mirror reflection. There is a full blog post on these explaining all the products we used.

One of the planned changes was a coffee table upcycle which was never completed and to be honest that’s probably a good thing as I have completely changed my mind on what I want to do! My plans now, are inspired by Mishkashoe on Instagram. She created a beautiful round dining table with a black fluted wood base that I want to recreate in coffee table form. The top will be an oval in the raw wood and the base a circle covered in half dowels and painted black. We are hoping to get started on this in the next couple of weeks but we need some supplies and being on furlough still, means that we are low on budget for DIY.

I spoke about really wanting a new sofa in the last post and we finally bit the bullet and ordered one! It’s from DFS so we still have another 10 weeks until delivery but I know it is going to make a huge difference to this room! I’ve included an image of what we’ve ordered below. This brown sofa is so big and dark and it just fills the room. It’s the first thing you see when you come in and it just doesn’t match our style now at all. The new sofa is a 4 seater but not a corner sofa so there will be more floor space freed up. It’s also a light natural tone so will fit in much better. I just can’t wait for it to arrive. We have also ordered a matching armchair so the wing back chair I mentioned before will be going too. Final layout of side tables etc will be worked out once the furniture arrives as the chair will take up more of the corner than the wingback does.

The picture in the corner now has it’s frame painted gold, the same as the curtain poles but I want to change them again. I now feel like there is a little too much gold and I want to add some black accents like we have in the dining room, kitchen and bathroom. So this frame and both curtain poles will be going black. This is what I love about paint, you can change things and it doesn’t matter if you change your mind!

In the pictures above you can see this wasted space behind the sofa. The original plan was to buy a cabinet for this space but the one I loved never came back into stock and I’ve had the time to change my mind yet again 😀 I do have a plan but I’m not 100% sure on if it will work until the sofa arrives. Because the new sofa isn’t a corner sofa I’m thinking we can put it slightly more forward giving a larger access space behind it. If this works I plan on creating a small work space here. The recess is 100cm x 35cm so I’m thinking we can find or build a small desk to fill the space add a small chair, Then two shelves on the wall above holding a mixture of office supplies and decorative pieces. If this works the fact that it’s is a work space won’t be immediately obvious when you walk in the room but it would be brilliant to have a dedicated space to keep the laptop and to write my blog posts instead of having to sit at the dining table.

This little side table is also going to get a lick of paint. I’ll leave the legs wood but paint the top black. I’m thinking it might end up living in a different spot nearer the sofa than the chair but like I said we will wait and see.

Lastly you can see the Billy bookcases. I love them and they’re one of my favourite things in the house. I would like to simplify the décor on them though. I love the paired back look of our bookcases in the dining room so I just want to make these ones look a little less busy.
I think that covers everything in our Gold and Teal Living room. The changes we’ve made and the changes we still want to complete. My style is always evolving so I do question if I will ever live in a home that feels truly finished 😀 . I’m hoping to get some changes made before the sofa arrives and I’ll be sharing them as they happen on Instagram so make sure you’re following me over there.
Lianne x
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