I wanted to write this post to say ‘Goodbye Seaways’ much sooner. We moved from our bungalow in Winthorpe to our Skegness semi-detached house around two months ago now but unfortunately our lap top screen died and I couldn’t access the photos that I wanted to include.
When I first turned that laptop on and it wasn’t working I think my heart stopped! All our photos, of Mason’s whole life, Noa’s new born photos, photo’s of my Mum and blog photos were on there and like a fool, I hadn’t backed any of it up. I know I’m an idiot, you don’t need to tell me. 😀 But we were lucky. Even though the screen was gone and it couldn’t be fixed we were able to recover all our files and photos and I will always, always back everything up from now on. If you haven’t backed up your important files GO AND DO IT NOW! 😀

I spoke about our reasons for moving and a little bit about why we moved to Seaways in the first place in my post Downsizing – why we decided to move house. I wanted to write this more as an overview of the changes we made while we were living there. There was so much more that I wanted to do but I have to move on. In fact I really do as friends of ours are now living in Seaways so I will have to visit it and see it as someone else’s home all the time now!
The Living Room
So my favourite room was the living room. The past two places (three including Seaways) we have lived I have always had the same colour scheme of teal, brown and gold but here I think I really discovered my style. Although it was the same colours as the rooms before, it was bolder. I went with darker shades, moved away from having a feature wall and I love, love, loved it. One of the things I found hardest about leaving was the fact that I would have to leave my living room.

You can read all about the makeover and get the sources in My Living Room Reveal.
The Kitchen
The kitchen actually got repainted a couple of times. As we made the decision to move suddenly, a few rooms were not 100% finished so I hadn’t revealed them on the blog yet. I did photograph these rooms before we started packing though and plan on posting them (as far as they got) over the next few weeks. The kitchen was one of these rooms.

The Toilet
The toilet was the first room to be finished and it was a long journey with lots of twists and turns. Read about the full transformation in My Small Toilet Makeover Reveal.

The Kid’s Bedrooms
Last up are the kids bedrooms. We spent ages working on these rooms and neither were 100% finished when we moved although they were close. Like I said before I photographed both of these rooms before we started packing and I will be sharing them fully on the blog soon. For now here is a little sneak peek. The Melamine wardrobe makeover is already on the blog if you want to take a read. There is also a post for the Super Hero Bedside Table.

The Hallway
There hallway was large enough to be a room in itself and this is where I had my bookshelves and my office space. This room wasn’t finished. We only got as far as changing the walls and taking up the carpet.

There was also the entryway, our bedroom, spare bedroom and bathroom but these rooms never got decorated and were still on our to do list. You can see our master bedroom as it was here though if you’re interested.
We spent 4 years living at Seaways, moving was the right decision for us but I will miss it. Even though I will be going back as my friend lives there now it still won’t be the same with different furniture and over time different decor. We made this house our home, it was the first place Mason will remember as home and it was the first place that we brought Noa home to. We celebrated Christmases, birthdays and anniversaries there. I started this blog there. You were a good home to us. Goodbye Seaways!
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