Hey everyone! I hope you are all keeping well and if you live in the UK like I do, are enjoying getting back to “normal” life. Although since lockdown restrictions lifted it has literally done nothing but rain so that’s not been fun 😀 Today I am sharing a Popsicle Stick Sunburst Mirror DIY which is such an easy project with very few supplies needed but the finished product looks so good! I shared a reel on Instagram on Friday and everyone loved it, so if you’re here from my Instagram page, hello and if not you can find me @makesbakesanddecor_blog!

As always we are going to start with what you need, I’ve linked some items below for you. You need a round mirror, mine was around 30cm, popsicle sticks, glue gun and glue sticks plus a pencil, ruler and something to cut the popsicle sticks. I used secateurs as they cut through a lot easier but you could use scissors, it’s just a little trickier.

The first thing I did was to turn the mirror over, and using a pencil and ruler, draw some guide lines. I started by drawing one line straight through the middle and then another so it was divided into quarters. I continued to divide each of these sections by half until the lines were around an inch away from each other like in the image above.

Then with my glue gun I added a small bead of glue to a popsicle stick and stuck it to the mirror edge. One on each guide line.

I used my secateurs to cut some popsicle sticks in half and then again used the glue gun to stick them to the edge of the mirror. But I attached them in every other gap only.

Finally I took full sticks again and stuck them in the remaining gaps but this time I attached them further in so that they came out midway between the two previous lengths. Refer to the picture above to see this and also how I added two popsicle sticks to the centre so I was able to attach the finished mirror to the wall using a command strip.

Once I flipped the Popsicle Stick Sunburst Mirror DIY over to the right side there were a couple of spots where the glue had leaked out the edge. You can see this above and I just used a craft knife to trim these away. This knife was the first one I found in the shed and it was very rusty but it still did the job 😀

And that is it! Your Popsicle Stick Sunburst Mirror DIY is complete. There are a few ways you could adapt this and change the look. By changing the mirror size you use you could make something that looks completely different. A smaller mirror would be so cute and a much bigger mirror would make an amazing focal piece. You could also add in more variants of popsicle stick length or their order. And the final way you could adapt this is by painting or staining the stick before hand. You could use any colour to fit your décor and I have personally stained and painted some popsicle sticks in the past to make my Popsicle Stick Display Shelves (you can see the stained version of these in my Rented Kitchen Reveal).

What do you think? Do you love it? These pictures are also a little sneak peek at the progress in the kids bedroom so if you want to read about the before of the kids room and our plans you can do that here. The Floral N is also a DIY so you can find that here. Next weeks post should be a cheesecake recipe so don’t miss that! you can use the form below to subscribe to my newsletter 🙂
Lianne x
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