How are we all doing? I’ll be honest I have good days and bad! The past few days have been bad ones and I don’t want to sit around wallowing any longer so I’m going to pick myself up and get on with this extremely bizzare life we are living right now. There are a few things I’ve been doing to keep myself sane during this lockdown. It seems stupid to be complaining about having to stay at home safe and I know I’m extremely lucky to be at home with my family when some are on their own but I’m finding it hard nonetheless. I decided to sit and put some of my tips for coping with lockdown in a post as you never know they might just help someone else too.
Get outside

I have never been so grateful to have a garden in my life. We are extremely lucky to be able to go outside whenever we want still. I know plenty of people who don’t have a garden and it’s been much tougher for them to stay home. If you do not have a garden and you are able, make the most of your daily exercise! (Here in the UK we are allowed out once a day for exercise). I’m not going to be going for a run anytime soon but we have been going for a family walk everyday, even with a garden. The change of scenery, fresh air and gentle exercise makes me feel so much better.
Get dressed
It’s very easy at the moment to stay slobbing in your Pyjamas all day! I have had my fair share of PJ days since this all started. But the truth is I feel so much better if I get dressed and put a little makeup on! I have had far to many messy hair days so I’ve ordered myself some basic leggings and joggers so I can still get dressed every morning and feel more alive but still be comfy around the house. I might have to brush the dust off my straighteners to use them though Ha ha!

Again if you are lucky enough to have a garden make the most of this time by working on tasks outside. We have gotten so much done already! The lawn is tidy and cut. The patio is all jet washed and I’ve been clearing the borders of weeds. Shaun has even raided our left over paint supply in the shed to makeover an old bench and give it a new lease of life. The sheds and fence have all had a coat of paint too.
Having a routine
I’m the kind of person that needs routine in their life. With no focus on what I should be doing I just give up and do nothing! The normal routine of school runs and work is gone but we’ve created a new lockdown routine. It’s not strict with set times, it’s more of a loose plan of how the day goes. So for example we get up, get dressed and have breakfast, Shaun then does the breakfast pots while I see what school work Mason needs to do that day. Mason has been doing Joe Wicks daily PE sessions whilst this happens. Then at around 10 Noa goes down for her nap and Mason does some school work, has a play in the garden and then does some more work. Then we have been having lunch while watching a movie (we are currently watching the marvel movies). After our film the kids play and Shaun and I work on some jobs around the house, do some gardening, get some cleaning done and then we go for our daily walk. Once back from our walk we make and eat dinner and then clean up. After that it’s getting the kids ready for bed before finally sitting and watching a couple of episodes of whatever show we’re on (and most likely enjoying a glass of wine too). The weekends have been a bit more laid back and Mason’s not doing work daily at the moment with it being the Easter holidays but this loose structure to the day is working for us right now.
I love to write obviously, about what I’m up to, recipes I’ve made, projects I’ve worked on….that is why I started this blog. But I think writing in general can really help even if you just keep a diary. Putting what’s floating around in my mind down on paper helps me relax and quieten the noise in my head! It’s why I’ve always been a big list writer too. You could find a notebook and start a diary, or maybe do it online if you want to share. Instagram can be great way to sit down in the evening, share a picture and just type out what you’ve been up to, how you felt and what your plans for tomorrow are.

DIY has really helped me in coping with lockdown. With money being a big worry for everyone right now I know that we can’t all be getting on with big projects around the house. If there are little things you can do though I find having a little project on the go to be really helpful. As big DIYers we have quite the supply of paints, tools and odds and ends in the shed that can be put to good use. Right now I’m focussing on the space under our stairs. The walls have had a fresh coat of paint (that was already in the shed) we put up a new coat rail and I created a feature wall with some washi tape I ordered from Amazon. I have also ordered some fabric to create a curtain and a couple of plants to brighten the corner up! I’m looking forward to sharing the finished space with you and I’m already thinking about the next little area I want to work on.
I do not enjoy exercise. It’s something I always have to cajole myself into doing but I always feel so much better after I do. There are so many online workouts available on youtube for all different skill levels. I really like The Fitness Marshall on youtube as his workouts are dance based and so fun to do. I’ve also done a couple of Tracey Anderson workouts because they were low impact with more stretches than cardio. Of course there is also Joe Wicks who is incredible doing PE lessons for the kids everyday to keep them active and he has lots of other workouts for all different ages and abilities available on his youtube channel. I have definitely gained some quarantine weight so taking some time to do an at home workout is something I plan on making time for each day!
Get Baking

One thing that I have really enjoyed doing is spending time in the kitchen for me! I obviously spend a lot of time in there working on cake orders for other people so to get to eat all the fruits of my labour feels like a novelty. If you want to try some easy bakes I would recommend my Easy Chocolate Chip Cookies or my Classic Victoria Sponge. I have also really loved cooking the family meal everyday. With Shauns working hours getting to eat as a family is rare for us but it’s been so nice to eat all together everyday. Only having to cook once instead of one meal for the kids and one meal when Shaun gets home has been a bonus too! If you need some family dinner inspiration I would suggest my Traditional Lasagne or my One Pot Chilli.
Facetime, Skype, Zoom etc
We are so very lucky to live in a time that we can still stay in touch and see our loved ones even if we can’t meet up with them in person. My plan for this week is to download the Zoom app and set up a zoom party with my friends. I’ve seen people get so inventive with their social lives online with having online pub quizzes, online dance parties etc. Make sure you all set up those group chats and stay in touch with your loved ones! Don’t stay silent at home if you’re struggling, message a friend or family member. We are all in this together and all finding it hard in different ways. I hope these Tips for Coping with Lockdown have helped you and if you need someone to chat to you can always message me on instagram. you can find me here.
Stay home and Stay safe!
Lianne x
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Thanks for sharing! So cool 🙂